There are three roads that lead to our house from the station. One is A: from the east and then south, B: from the east and then north and C: from the east. We rarely use A to return home. We usually use A when we leave our home. We almost always use B when returning home. The bad news is that a lot of our neighbors also use A. So, we have to share that same narrow road with them. I don't enjoy that because sometimes my tires getting dirty or muddy! So, recently I have been using Route C. It is very narrow, therefore almost no one uses it. There are only a few homes here. Only one car can use it at a time. So, I have to drive slowly. I like driving slowly. And it leads directly to our house! The bad news is that here are a lot of shrubs, bushes and trees and weeds that are very near the road. My concern (worry) is that these obstacles may scratch my car. One place was particularly (very) bad. The other day I happened to meet the owner of those bushes. I asked him to trim them. This was our first meeting ever. He talked for about 10 minutes then we said goodbye. He cut the bushes two days later. Happy! (PIC the bushes on the right side were cut)

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