Thursday, October 31, 2019
A trip to Tokyo part 3

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A trip to Tokyo part 2
From the restaurant to my goal at Maruzen I visited several places. First was a chocolate shop. They had just opened this year. It was pretty unique. They made chocolate balls with fruit inside. I sampled one. I didn't like it. Then I walked past the area in Yotsuya where M and I used to play bridge. That brought back some memories. Then I heard the church bells ringing. It was time for mass. I located the St. Augusta church and entered just after 1pm. The mass had already started. It was packed with people. I was lucky find a seat. I stayed for about 10 minutes. It was rather boring. It is the same kind of mass as I used to go to when I was a kid. I left and found myself at Sophia University. It was closed. I continued on. I stopped in a Maserati car dealer. VERY expensive. I didn't buy one. Then I continued on. There were not many people nor much traffic. I walked on the shady side of the street. Finally I arrived at the Imperial Palace's Hanzon Gate. I had a choice; go left or go right. Going right would take me to the Hibiya area. I chose left. That would take me to Kita-Maru Park. I chose left. And that was lucky. The East Palace Garden was opened to visitors this day. I went in. It's free.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A trip to Tokyo part 1
I had a plan to go walking in Tokyo. It was to walk from Shinjuku station to Tokyo station. I checked my maps. I made my plan. It was to walk from Shinjuku station to the Shinjuku Gyoen. There I would enter and visit the Botanical Gardens. Then I wold walk along Shinjuku Douri to the Imperial Palace. Then I would walk to Tokyo station to buy a book at Maruzen. With that plan, I took my time in the morning. I didn't eat breakfast. Why? So I could try some food in Tokyo. The weather was very nice this day. I left Okegawa station at 9:00. I arrived Shinjuku in 40 minutes and set out. I got to Shinjuku and met some people from the USA. They were from Cleveland Ohio. That is not far form Detroit, my home town. I got my half price ticket (senior discount) and went straight to the Botanical Gardens. It was warm inside and all the plants were as beautiful and wonderful as last past time I visited last year. Then I got back to the main road leading to the Palace. I was getting hungry so I went to a restaurant. It was 11:00 and they just opened. It was Indian and Thai cuisine. I got the Thai lunch. It was pretty good. So, with a full stomach I headed out again.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Puzzler Answers
That was another nice week with a Holiday. That always lifts up my spirits. Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK。
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Puzzler Hints
Finally it's Sunday. I hope to be in Tokyo again this day. How about you all?
Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.
Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up, ~up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!
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I almost bought this Masarati while in Tokyo. |
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Well, this is the final weekend in September. I had high hopes as usual to curb my drinking. It was a disaster. Better luck next time. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Miwako's recital

My lovely wife, Miwako, has several hobbies. One of them is to practice the piano. She told me that she used to take piano lessons when she was a kid and older but then she quit when we got married. Ten years ago she bought a used piano and it is in our living room. She is very earnest in her piano study. She takes piano lessons every week. She is also a member of a Big Band. That is a group of amateur musicians who play saxophones, trumpets, the drums, trombones and of course the piano. They meet twice a week for rehearsals. They do performances two or three times a year. Miwako practises hard. I think it is more than one hour a day perhaps five or six days a week. Every once in a while I am at home when she practises. It's interesting. On October 14th her band gave a performance at the Saitama City Kita Ward office. Our family went to see it. They were cool. They played three numbers (songs). Unfortunately the teacher couldn't come this day. That was because of the typhoon and heavy rains. Anyway, all went well. Afterwords our family went to a nearby Denny's for dinner. It was a nice holiday for us.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A big typhoon hit Japan on Saturday, October 12th. How did it affect you? I was scheduled to (supposed to) teach from 9am to noon at my school and then going to the Kenkatsu Center to teach two adult classes. Well, those two Kenkatsu classes were cancelled and we cancelled our Saturday. I called all the moms on Friday to let them know (to inform them). So, I went home Friday night by bicycle, enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal and finally to bed at 10:30 as usual. The next day we were stuck (unable to move) in the house all day. It rained and rained. The wind was howling and blowing. We watched the news anxiously. Will we have to evacuate our place? There is a road below our house that often floods. (See pic) It did this time, too. But it didn't affect us. That was good. So many rivers overflowed. Again that did not affect us. I played some of my games and watched TV. The rest of the family watched TV. Of course we all ate together. It was only a day to wait until the storm passed. I went to sleep early. I didn't even drink! I saved that for the next day.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
My new toy...a globe
I purchased a globe. Do you know what a globe is?
globe (noun) = a map of the world in the shape of a ball and attached to a support, that can be turned around at the same angle as the earth turns in space.
globe (noun) = a map of the world in the shape of a ball and attached to a support, that can be turned around at the same angle as the earth turns in space.
There are many kinds of globes. There are small ones and htere are medium ones and there are big ones and some very big ones. Of course the price differs (is different) depending on which one you get. Long ago I bought a globe. I got it at a discount because it was outdated; that is, the two Germanys united and this globe still had east Germany and west Germany on it. So long ago. It was 30 centimeters. I went to Maruzen in Tokyo. They have globes on display. They range in price from \5,000 to \1,800,000. I wanted hte latter but it was just too expensive. But I could see that the bigger size was better. It was easy to read and had much extra information on it. I considered my budget and the size and decided on one. It was \500,000. The size is 40cm. Back at home we found the same one on-line for only \43,200. We bought that one on September 30th. It was just before the tax increase. It was expensive but I am worth it. I use it everyday.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Othello, the Moor of Venice is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is a tragedy. Othello is a Moor from Venice. He is a black man. He is a great general in the army. He marries the beautiful Desdemona. She did not tell her father though. But they are happy UNTIL... one man, Iago, makes Othello hate his wife. How? By telling lies to him and plotting a scheme to prove that she loves another man. That man is Cassio. Casio is Othello's general. Othello made Casio his general instead of Iago. So, Iago is envious. After reading the book I found the play on YouTube. It was three hours long. So, I watched it over 3 days. In the end of the story Othello, his wife, her mistress, Emilia, and Roderigo are all dead. (Roderigo was in love with Desdemona. Iago killed him.) As usual the Bard's English is so cool. For most of the YouTube, I followed the words in the book as the actors were saying them. This is how I will continue my study of William Shakespeare. My next book is The Merry Wives of Windsor. I found that play on YouTube also. I wonder...should I watch the movie first?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Puzzler Answers
Is it Monday again? Time to get to work. Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK。
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Puzzler Hints
I'm in a clean up mode. That means I am looking for things to throw away. I'm also helping Miwako to do the same. Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
This has been a very good month so far. I hope to have some new adventures and work hard. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Rugby at Kumagaya Stadium Part 2
It took about 15 minutes by bus. The stadium was very nice. We were early. And we got to our seats soon. I did not want to drink beer this day. On the other hand, my son-in-law was very eager to drink beer on his day off. He played rugby for three years in high school. So he explained many of the rules to me. That was very helpful. The fans were filing into the stadium. Then we saw something interesting. Maybe 500 or 1,000 elementary school kids came in and sat in the end zone seats to our left. They were wearing yellow hats and cheering all game for both teams. That was cool. Our seat we neat the end zone. Then the players practiced then the game began. It was so interesting to watch them play. Those players are big and tough! Unfortunately, things did not go well for the Americans. At half time the score was 19 to 5 in favor of Argentine. The second half was the same as the first. The Argentine team was i complete control. The final score was 47 to 19. We left soon and got on a bus to the station. It was quick and easy. We took the train. I got off at Okegawa and said good-bye and Thank you to Masaharu. What a fantastic day off.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Rugby at Kumagaya Stadium Part 1
So the Rugby World Cup 2019 Japan continues. Japan is H-O-T! They are on FIRE! That means that they are doing very, very well. Now I have better news! My son-in-law bought two tickets for the Rugby match in Kumagaya. He invited me to go with him. The match was between Argentina and the USA! That is my home team. How lucky am I! We met in Kumagaya, at the station at 10AM. We then walked the ten minutes to the FAN ZONE. What a surprise! There were so many happy, smiling faces everywhere on the route to the FAN ZONE and then at the stadium. They were volunteers waving and hi-fiving and greeting all who passed by. AT the FAN ZONE we got to experience rugby. We could pass and kick the ball and score a try. I met several fans from around he world. The Americans wore some wild costumes (Elvis was there!). The Argentinians wore blue and white striped T-shirts. From here we took a bus to the stadium. That was very smooth. There were many buses for many fans. Continued tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Gokokuji Part 2
After resting I set out again. I wanted to walk to Tokyo Dome. I thought about it for a while and then changed my mind. I took the bus, instead. That was good because I could see everything around me. And I could follow on my map. Also the bus is very cheap. 170yen to the terminal station. I got off at Tokyo Dome and then had lunch. It was at a Chinese restaurant. It was so-so. Then I took the subway for two stations. That was no fun so I got off and walked the rest of the way to Tokyo station. I walked passed the St. Nickolai Cathedral. The dome is fantastic. I continues my walk to Tokyo station. There were not many people about. My goal was to go to Maruzen book store. I took a short cut. It was a new route but I was sure of my location. It was successful. On the way I took a photo of the two rugby players on a bench. At Maruzen I looked at the globes. I wanted to compare sizes. I made up my mind which one I wanted to buy. Then I bought two Shakespeare books. It was time to go home. A nice day off and exploring of Tokyo.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Gokokuji Part 1
I had a Sunday free September 29th. I was looking for some place in Tokyo to explore. I found it. It is the Gokokuji Temple in the Bunkyo ward of Tokyo. I was in no hurry. I had breakfast at home. I biked to the station and then departed Okegawa station at 10AM. I took the Shinjuku/Ikebukuro line and got off at Ikebukuro. From there I walked. It about 25 minutes to get there. On the way, I crossed the Toden-Ikebukuro line. The train was stopped. I had never been on it before. So I took it two staitons and then returned back to my starting point. That was cool. Then I continued my walk. The road follows the expressway which is up above the road. I asked for directions once as I was near my destination. I finally arrived. The place was still. There were only a few visitors. I climbed up the steps. Awesome! So beautiful. So clean. So serene. So Japanese. I went around to the back of the temple. There was a cemetery. I strolled through it. Very well kept. I snapped a lot of pictures. I was here manybe 30 minutes. Then I rested at an office which had carp lazily swimming in the clear pond. Beautiful.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Puzzler Answers
This weather is soooooooooooooooooo good! I'm luvin' it!
Puzzler Answers:CLICK HERE.
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
Puzzler Answers:CLICK HERE.
以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK。
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Puzzler Hints
I was busy last weekend with family stuff. I'm free this day, however, so I'll probably go to Tokyo. Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
OK! It's up and at 'em this fine October day. (That means "get ready and GO!") Puzzler: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up, ~up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!
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Scene from Gokokuji Temple in |
Friday, October 11, 2019
Wolrd Rugby Cup 2019
Have you been following the World Rugby Cup? It is being held here in Japan. So, in this case, we say that the Japan team is the "Home Favorite". That means that most everyone here is rooting (cheering) for them. They are in Pool A along with Ireland Scotland Samoa and Russia. I only saw parts of the the first game that they played. I was at home. It was against Russia. Russia scored first by a mistake from the Japanese team. But then Japan won easily. The final score was 30 to 10. The next game was against Ireland. I saw some at home but then I went to the gym. I didn't expect Japan to win. The gm has a big screen TV. They always show sports events. So many of us watched as we were wrong out (exercising). It was fantastic! The Irish team had built as 12 to 3 lead. But then the Japanese team got tough. The Irish could score no more. Japan made two more tries. The final score was 19 to 12. Many of us watched the final minutes together. There were lots of smiling faces and cheering when the game was over.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Rina's birthday
My brother came to Japan to attend our daughter's wedding and explore Japan. One night we took them to a Okonomiyaki shop in Ueno near near KappaBashi. For Rina's birthday last week we went there again. I was surprised that the owner (master) recognized (remembered) us. We had four kinds of dishes. Of course they were all delicious. Do you like Okonomiyaki? We also had drinks. I was not driving so my son-in-law and I shared some bottled beer. Then we got some sake. Then he ordered a summer watermelon flavored cocktail. It looked fruity...not my style. Then we had some more sake. And then we had another sake. That was more than enough. Our daughter turned 30 years old this day. We all had a busy Sunday Before visiting M's sister's house we went to clean the grave. I was pooped (very tired) by the time we finished dinner. We drove the young couple to their place in Souka. We said good-bye then M drove home. I slept all the way.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Electric bicycle
This time I went to Tokyo with my family. We had two purposes (reasons/goals). First we wanted to visit my better half's sister. 'Better half'? That means your wife (or your husband). But, before that we went to the cemetery to visit the family grave. M drove to Tokyo. Her sister lives in Ueno. I watched from the back seat as buildings and sights passed by. I was trying to recognize them as part of my Tokyo study. We arrived at her home before noon. The home is beautiful. It is in a small neighborhood. And there are many shops and restaurants along the main streets. Then I saw my sister-in-law's bicycle. It was electric! I wanted to try it. So, we decided to go to a restaurant for lunch. They went by car and I went by bicycle. It was fun. There are many up and down roads here, so this type of vehicle is necessary. I left first. Of course I got lost. I used my phone to get my "bearings" = to get oriented = to find my location. It was easy. We finally met and had lunch at a Kohikan. Not bad!
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Dancing Culprit
We visited M's sister's house in Tokyo two Sundays ago. Three of us went there by car. We went out for lunch and then returned to the new house. At that time our older daughter and her husband also came. There were six of us. So, our younger daughter said "Let's play cards." All agreed. She introduced a new card game to us. It is called "The dancing culprit".
Six of us played. Cards are dealt (passed out) to all the players. Each player has the same amount (number) of cards. For six people there are four cards. Later with five people we all got five cards. We pass the cards to our right or to the left. There are rules written on each card. Some rules appear once. Some rules appear twice. Some cards ask questions. Some cards give orders. One card is the CULPRIT. The cards disappear one by one. It is too difficult to explain. Actually it was difficult for me to understand. But, we all had a good time. I think I won once. After paying cards we had cake and refreshments. Then our family went to have a birthday party for Rina. PICTURE An interesting bicycle that I saw in Tokyo.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Puzzler Answers
OK. So, it's back to work this fine Monday, and I'm raring to go, go, go! Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK。
Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Puzzler HInts
Today members of Miwkao's family will come to Ageo to celebrate and remember M's Mom. Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
This is the 10th month of the year, namely, October. Did you know that OCTO means 8 (eight)? Puzzler: CLICK HERE
October Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。
Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
Friday, October 4, 2019
St Niholai Cathedral Part 3
There were a dozen men dressed in gold garbs or gowns. Some were young. Some were old. Then the holiest, most highest and oldest guy entered. There was a big ceremony for him. The guys in gold took off his gown and jacket, then put a new gold jacket and gown on him. They were always kissing his hands! They held him a bible for him to read from. Two golden guys were waving golden incense holders. There was smoke coming from them. One gold guy was in the front to the right. He read some chants for about 20 minutes. He kept repeating these words "Shamalinshki, shamalinshiki. shamalinshki..." eight times in a row. He did that many times. And as he spoke them he was counting them on his fingers. That was cool. Then some gold guys were chanting. They had very deep, beautiful voices. Their chants resonated through the building. I stood for a long time and was getting tired. I asked a lady when it will end. She said one more hour. I left immediately. I had been standing for 90 minutes! It was a great experience. You should check it out from the back of the room for ten or fifteen minutes.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
St Nicholai Cathedral Part 2
I arrived at the Church just before 10am. I walked inside. People were everywhere but not that many. Most were regulars. There were 20 chairs on the left side and right side. I walked straight to the second row of seats on the left. I wanted a "birds-eye" view of the action. There was a confessional going on (happening) to my left. One line was for Japanese and the other line was for non-Japanese. There were a few tourists standing in the back. There was a choir off to the right. There were 12 members. There are three stands in the front. They have paintings of people. They are on a stand. Behind the stand are many candles burning. People walk to the stands and kiss the painting, make the sign of he cross, then light their candle and add it to the rest. There is an altar but it is behind the wall in front. That wall has five big doors. Between the two rows of chairs is a platform. The service began at 10:00. (continued tomorrow).
I arrived at the Church just before 10am. I walked inside. People were everywhere but not that many. Most were regulars. There were 20 chairs on the left side and right side. I walked straight to the second row of seats on the left. I wanted a "birds-eye" view of the action. There was a confessional going on (happening) to my left. One line was for Japanese and the other line was for non-Japanese. There were a few tourists standing in the back. There was a choir off to the right. There were 12 members. There are three stands in the front. They have paintings of people. They are on a stand. Behind the stand are many candles burning. People walk to the stands and kiss the painting, make the sign of he cross, then light their candle and add it to the rest. There is an altar but it is behind the wall in front. That wall has five big doors. Between the two rows of chairs is a platform. The service began at 10:00. (continued tomorrow).
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
St Nicholai Cathedral Part 1
I took another day trip to Tokyo on Sunday, September 15th. I had two goals. One was to visit the St Nickolai Cathedral in Kanda, Tokyo near the Ocha-no-mizu train station. The other was to buy a DVD. I went to the cathedral for the first time early this year. Perhaps it was February or March. Anyway, when I first entered the church I was amazed. It was very old and very holy. (Amen!) There were lots of candles and paintings and gold and doors and stained glass windows. I decided I must come and see a mass here. The mass starts at 10am. So, on this day, I walked from Tokyo station to the Cathedral. It was a beautiful sunny, Sunday morning. There were hardly any people. I could walk to my destination going straight north from Tokyo along Hibiya-Douri. Later it became Hongo-Douri. And that is what I did. But! All of a sudden at Yasukuni-Douri, the road was blocked to all traffic. What was happening? Well, there was a marathon trial for runners for the 2020 Olympics. I waited 20 minutes and they finally came. That was cool. Then I went underground to cross the street and continued on my journey. I arrived at the cathedral at 9:50. There was plenty of time to prepare.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
My September
September has 30 days. I took advantage of each one. I studied, I worked, I played, I drank. I also relaxed with some TV. Now, we are ready for October. See my list below Cinnamon.
1. I made a major (big) excursion into Tokyo BY CAR! It was in KOTO-ku to locate (find) the four gods protecting this ward.
2. Did gardening, which included laying and taping the vinyl sheets next door.
3. Read National Geographic, Reader's Digest as well as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.
4. Drank some. Maybe 6 times during the month.
5. Visited the gym 14 times.
6. Washed the car, but only once.
7. Welcomed 6 new students to our school.
8. Said Goodbye to 3 students.
9. Started rehearsals for Christmas Shows at three kindergartens.
10. Had a birthday party for our elder daughter.
11. Had an udon lunch at one students restaurant in KitaMoto. Delicious.
12. Had dinner with friends from Germany.
13. Visited the family grave.
14. Read Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Cool.
15. Visited M' sister's new place In Ueno. Fantastic and very interesting.
16. Celebrated Rina's birthday at Okonomiyaki.
17. Met friends from Gwermany.
4. Drank some. Maybe 6 times during the month.
5. Visited the gym 14 times.
6. Washed the car, but only once.
7. Welcomed 6 new students to our school.
8. Said Goodbye to 3 students.
9. Started rehearsals for Christmas Shows at three kindergartens.
10. Had a birthday party for our elder daughter.
11. Had an udon lunch at one students restaurant in KitaMoto. Delicious.
12. Had dinner with friends from Germany.
13. Visited the family grave.
14. Read Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Cool.
15. Visited M' sister's new place In Ueno. Fantastic and very interesting.
16. Celebrated Rina's birthday at Okonomiyaki.
17. Met friends from Gwermany.
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