Well, that was a nice 29 day February, 2020. The weather is getting warmer. I did a lot of stargazing this month. But, now the days are getting longer. SO? The nights are getting shorter. That means less time to see those stars. The plan is to study them for one year. I'm looking forward to it. ITM here is a recap of my February.
1. Went ice skating. It was a shock that I couldn't move at first. So, I can only say "Nice try, Rick." I do not plan to try again.
2. Visited the National Museum in Roppongi to see the Hapsburg exhibition.
3. Finished four-week short course for adults at the Oishi Kominkkan in Ageo. I enjoyed the time teaching there.
4. Went to a Karaoke place for one hour.
5. Visited a spa in Ageo very near our house with the family one Sunday night.
6. Caught a bit of a cold so I had to stay home for the holiday, February 2th.
7. Saw Mars, the moon, Jupiter and Saturn all in alignment early one morning. That was beautiful.
8. Had dinner and drinks with my daughter, her husband and his father one Sunday night.
9. Bought Jack London's classic "The Call of the Wild' and 'White Fang'. Finished reading them.
10. Went to the gym 1O times.
11.I caught a cold. Woe is me.