Saturday, February 29, 2020


February draws to a close. There was an extra this year as 2020 is a leap year. How was February? I hope you enjoyed it. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project

There will be a new Home Project starting next month. Basically, it is a Tale of Two Stories.
1. Woe is me.
2. Happy am I.
They explain a situation in which oy had a bad experience or a good experience. I will explain it in detail next month.

Friday, February 28, 2020

My February

Well, that was a nice 29 day February, 2020. The weather is getting warmer. I did a lot of stargazing this month. But, now the days are getting longer. SO? The nights are getting shorter. That means less time to see those stars. The plan is to study them for one year. I'm looking forward to it. ITM here is a recap of my February.
1. Went ice skating. It was a shock that I couldn't move at first. So, I can only say "Nice try, Rick." I do not plan to try again.
2. Visited the National    Museum in Roppongi to see the Hapsburg exhibition.
3. Finished four-week short course for adults at the Oishi Kominkkan in Ageo. I enjoyed the time teaching there.
4. Went to a Karaoke place for one hour.
5. Visited a spa in Ageo very near our house with the family one Sunday night.
6. Caught a bit of a cold so I had to stay home for the holiday, February 2th.
7. Saw Mars, the moon, Jupiter and Saturn all in alignment early one morning. That was beautiful.
8. Had dinner and drinks with my daughter, her husband and his father one Sunday night.
9. Bought Jack London's classic "The Call of the Wild' and 'White Fang'. Finished reading them.
10. Went to the gym 1O times.
11.I caught a cold. Woe is me.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My January by Masako

Our children and their families came to our house on New Year's Day.
1. We celebrated our New Year's party at our house on January 1st. We ate sushi, pizza, and O-sechi at night. My niece, Sayaka, played the piano and sang with everyone (all sang along).
2. We went to Chichibu in two cars to pick strawberries on January 2nd. We entered at the Okegawa-Kano entrance and got off at the Hanazono exit. We ate our fill of strawberries there. Yummy! The bad news is my grandson got the flu and my husband caught a cold. So, I had to take care of them for more than a week.
3. We went to Kannuma to play golf on January 16th. It was good weather but my score was bad. I thought that I need a lot more practice.
4. We went to Izurucho in Tochigi prefecture to eat soba on January 29th. Soba is very famous. It is far from Ageo. However, the soba was very delicious.
5. I went to Mallage to see a movie with my granddaughter on January 31st. It was "Cats". It was great!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Woe is me by Yuko

I was shocked when I broke my violin bow last Wednesday. These days I changed to holding the bow more loosely to make a more beautiful sound. As I hadn't gotten the knack yet, I dropped my bow on the hard floor. Although I've dropped my bow before nothing had ever happened. But this time, the bow broke perfectly. I was so shocked that I couldn't continue practicing with my spare bow. Luckily, I had a lesson that day. I asked my teacher what I should do with that bow. He advised me to show it to a professional person with high skill. My teacher said that it would be difficult to restore the bow to its original condition, but there was a possibility. So, I left my bow with my teacher so his student, a qualified repair person, could look at it. Then my teacher advised me to bow more slowly and concentrate. He knows me well. I have too much curiosity. Sometimes I move on to other things before completing one thing. Furthermore, I try to do two things at once! But at my age, I fail to do that. I understand that this is a chance to change my lifestyle. I now organize my time schedule and decide on my priorities. I also practice the violin on a thick blanket just in case I drop my bow again.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Drink Party with family

After my visit to Roppongi on February 9th, I went to Tokyo station to buy a book at Maruzen. Then I went to Ueno. I met my daughter, her husband and his father at a restaurant in Ochanomizu. Rina's father-in-law lives in Kagawa, Shikoku. He was visiting Tokyo to see the "Mummies of the World" exhibition in Ueno's National Museum of Nature and Science. His name is Seiji. We first met at a gathering of e two families in Tokyo before the wedding. Then we met at the wedding, of course. Then we had a drinking party in Tokyo last December. So, we know each other. As we settled in at the Chinese restaurant there was a happening. We got our drinks and had a "Kampai". Soon after that Masaharu accidentally spilled a drink on Rina's lap! OMG! They went immediately to UNICLO to buy some new, cheap clothes. Whew! No, worries. Then we ate and drank and talked and talked and drank and ate. Things got exciting when I showed them the new book I bought. It is "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London. Seiji was excited as he is one of his most favorite books. The party went on till 9pm. Then we all returned home safe and sound.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Puzzler Answers

It's a holiday today here in Japan. This holiday celebrates the birthday of the new Japanese Reiwa Emperor, Hirohito. Puzzler Answers CLICK HERE.

以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK

Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.


CHOP/ CLEFT                  CASTING              BALMY                  CLOSE        

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Puzzler Hints

Of course, tomorrow is a holiday so we can all enjoy that. What will you do? Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck! BIC Camera. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020


It's getting warmer. I saw and heard a lot of birds recently. Actually a White-eye flew right across my bow (bicycle) the other day. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!
I checked out some telescopes.....

Friday, February 21, 2020

Hapsburg Exhibition

I decided to go to the National Art Center Toyko in Roppongi on February 9th. I saw the news about this exhibition one month ago when I visited another museum. It was a Sunday. The weather was fine, but rather windy. I took the train to Ueno and then changed to the Hibiya line. I got off at Roppongi and walked to the museum. On the way I had a noodle lunch at a classic Chinese restaurant. I then bought my ticket outside the museum. The museum building itself is very interesting. It was designed by a Mr. Kurokawa Kishou. Alas, there was no senior discount for this exhibition. But the paintings and art were very beautiful. I didn't use the audio guide. I always forget everything I hear anyway. So, I enjoyed inspecting many paintings very closely and at my pace. There were not a lot of visitors. That was nice. The exhibits started in the 15th and 16th century, then moved room by room to the present. I stayed more than two hours. And I must say, that I was pretty tired by the time I finished my viewing. I then had dessert at the coffee shop on the second floor. I also visited the Art Library on the third floor before I left. A nice day of culture.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Marathon Part 2

I went to the playground. I did the the warm ups with everyone. I was enjoying being outside in the sun and cool air. Then we went to the starting gate. I decided to join the Nen-chous. No worries, I thought. Of course I was mindful (aware of/considering) my age. When suddenly.... GO! I started to run but I immediately took a short cut. It was through some grass. But that didn't help. I was dead last! Those kids are F-A-S-T! Another problem that I had was that my slacks kept sliding down my waist. I had to hold them up with both hands as I ran. I did this secretly. My jersey has two pockets so I put my hands in my pockets and held up my slacks. It was successful but it slowed me down. Of course there were many moms and grandpas taking videos and pictures. OMG! I finally arrived back at the playground. Then I looked down at my shoes. They were covered in briars! One teacher said they were "dorobo-gusa". It was fitting (appropriate) as I tried to cheat! Then four little kids picked those briars off of my shoes and slacks. That was cool. All's well that ends well.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Marathon Part 1

I made a mistake. I went to my Friday AM kindergarten lesson too early a couple of weeks ago. It usually starts at 9:50. This time it started at 11:00. Why? Because they were having practice for their annual marathon race. These days I go there by car. So, I left my school as usual, at 9:00. Actually I called the kindergarten that morning to confirm whether there was a lesson or not that day. They lady said "Yes." Unfortunately she is not the regular staff lady. She didn't mention that the lesson started at 11:00. BUT, I had made a memo in my notebook that it started at 11:00. I just didn't see it. So, it was absolutely (completely) my mistake. When I arrived at the kindergarten several teachers were surprised. Then I was told the reason. I was too early for the lesson. All were in the playground warming up. Heavy sigh. But then they invited me to join the practice. I didn't have running shoes and my clothes were not suited for running. But, it looked like fun so I joined them.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Back home by Kyontan

What a practical thing it is! Going back to my parents’ house.

I went back to my parents’ house three times last year to take care of them. And I thought that it was good training for my body. Please let me talk about it.
I usually stay upstairs in my parents’ house.So, I go up and down the stairs many times. It helps to strengthen my legs.

I usually go shopping by bicycle, because I’m not allowed to drive my father’s car. It takes about 8 minutes to go to the supermarkets, et al. 

During the winter vacation, I went shopping at least twice a day. It's good exercise for my legs.  

    Cleaning the house and the garden. 
     I usually clean the house with a vacuum cleaner and the garden with some tools. It assists me in the training of my leg muscles.   

I usually cook lunch and supper and prepare the snacks. And before returning home, I usually cook main dishes for one week to ten days. Some are preserved in the cool room and some are in the refrigeration room. Cooking is beneficial to exercise my arms.

     I imagine that I would be able to shape up if I live my parents’ house.                However,  I didn’t lose so much weight though I worked so hard. Alas!!!!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Puzzler Answers

I had lots and lots of free time last week. That's not so this week. I'll have to roll up my sleeves. Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.

以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK

Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.

WRANGLE/EXIT                INSIDE                   DOE/ON            QUEST/RUM

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Puzzler Hints

Another Sunday. What to do? A trip to Tokyo perhaps. We shall see. Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

My Matsui Bubble Head

Saturday, February 15, 2020


That was a fantastic week. Watched the moon and stars. Read a book. Traveled to Tokyo. Had a drinking party. Washed the house curtains. Whew! Busy! Busy! Busy! Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

Gotta Love 2020!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Ice skating Part 2

As I wrote yesterday, I couldn't move. I was frozen, just like the ice. I decided to hang on the sideboards and move around the rink slowly. I did that twice. There were a few people who could actually skate! They were good. There were a lot of kids and moms and dads. Some were wearing helmets. Some were falling down onto the ice. But, they got up immediately and kept trying. I thought, "I can do that." So, I let go of the sideboards and slid out to the skating lane. I watched the other skaters. I moved my right foot back to skate. My left skate was straight. I moved a little. Then I tried the opposite. I moved my left skate out to push myself. My right skate was straight. They were "baby steps." That means little by little, very carefully. It was fine. Later I talked to a gentleman skater, too. He told me that he took lessons with his daughter many years ago. He had his own skates. I also saw several teachers. Could they help? I went back to the rink and skated some more. It was cool but I had very little confidence. I fell twice, but there was no harm. After 90 minutes I decided to stop. I didn't want to get overconfident and get hurt. I was satisfied with my effort. I will definitely go again.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ice skating Part 1

When I was a kid used to ice skate. I even played ice hockey. Even though I was never very good, I enjoyed it. I have been skating here in japan, too. Once was in Kawagoe maybe 20 years ago. And then I went to the SuiJo Koen in Ageo maybe 10 years ago. And I decided to go again last Monday 2/2/2020. (That is a coooool number, don't you think so?) Anyway, it was a challenge. I wanted to see (know) if I could do it. And the answer is...No, I couldn't skate! Here's the story. I arrived around 10AM. I went inside to see what was what. (That means to check it out and get info.) First, it was expensive, I think. It was \1,700 for the day. That is not bad if you skate all day. But I did get a \100 discount as I had JAF card. I entered and got my skates. There were many kids there with moms and dads. The locker costs \100 so there were many clothes and bags everywhere. I put on my skates. Cool! Then walked carefully to the rink. There are two rinks. One is for students, professionals and very good skaters. I went to the smaller rink, next door. It is for kids and beginners. That was certainly for me. I entered the rink. I held on to the side boards. I couldn't move! Shock! Continued tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My January by Hideo

My January
    We Celebrated new year party at my home with my two daughters and four grandchildren.
Every year, everyone gathers in my home for a New Year party.
    I Started table tennis and oil painting picture with my buddy last month . 
    I went to Maebashi Christ Church at the Maebashi city for the wedding party for my nephew.
    I went to Takasaki city to attend funeral(wake) for my uncle.
    I went to Habsburg Dynasty exhibition at the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno. 
It was Fantastic and very interesting.
Although he is the smallest and lightest person in Sekitori, he uses very intelligent sumo wrestling.
    I watched Mizuki Mazda win the Osaka International Marathon to advance to the third Tokyo Olympic women`s representative on TV.
Miss Maeda and Suzuki had already been determined.
The last one will be the person who set the highest record at the Nagoya Marathon.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Setsubun and Mamemaki


Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', but usually the term refers to the spring Setsubun, properly called Risshun (立春) celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival (春祭haru matsuri). In its association with the Lunar New Year, spring Setsubun can be and was previously thought of as a sort of New Year's Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the year to come. This special ritual is called mamemaki (豆撒き, "bean scattering"). Setsubun has its origins in tsuina (追儺), a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the eighth century.


The custom of mamemaki first appeared in the Muromachi period. It is usually performed by the toshiotoko (年男) of the household (the male who was born on the corresponding animal year on the Chinese zodiac), or else the male head of the household. Roasted soybeans (called "fortune beans" (福豆fuku mame)) are thrown either out the door or at a member of the family wearing an Oni (demon or ogre) mask, while the people say "Demons out! Luck in!" (鬼は外! 福は内!Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!) and slam the door. This is still common practice in households but many people will attend a shrine or temple's spring festival where this is done. The beans are thought to symbolically purify the home by driving away the evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health with them. Then, as part of bringing luck in, it is customary to eat roasted soybeans, one for each year of one's life, and in some areas, one for each year of one's life plus one more for bringing good luck for the year to come.[6]
The gestures of mamemaki look similar to the Western custom of throwing rice at newly married couples after a wedding.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Puzzler Answers

Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.

以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK

Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Puzzler Hints

I have a drinking party with the in-laws. Can't wait! Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

First graders at my school. Can you spot the twins?

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Guess what? I went ice skating last Sunday. Well, I really didn't skate. But it was fun. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

Happy skaters

Friday, February 7, 2020

Super Bowl LIV

LIV = 54. It is Latin. L = 50 and IV = 4 (I = 1 and V = 5, thus 5 - 1 = 4)
This was the 54th Super Bowl. There is one Super Bowl every year. It comes at the end of the regular season, first after a round of playoff games. The best 6 teams in both divisions remain at the end of the season. This year the final two teams were the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. I watched most of the playoff games. I always record them to watch later. When that is finished there is a two week wait for the Super Bowl game. There are many back stories for both these teams. "Back story" means news or information about their histories and current affairs. I do not have time to explain here. I hoped KC would win but I thought SF was better. I wagered (bet/gambled) with my usual betting partner. I watched the game on my recorder. It was exciting. Both teams looked strong and SF was winning near the end. However, KC made a strong comeback and pulled out the victory easily. They won 38 to 20. I'm looking forward to next season.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jack Omiya Planeterium

It's winter. So, the sky is usually clear at night unless it rains of course. The summer night sky is hazy many times and the nights are short. I decided to do some stargazing this year. I am especially interested in the moon. I found several sites on the Internet. One is very interesting. It will be very useful in my quest (search) to understand. I also want to go to the Planetarium in Jack Omiya monthly. That will give me a good idea of how the night sky changes. I went there two Sundays ago. That was my first time in about 15 years. It costs 620en for adults. There is no senior discount (heavy sigh). The explanation and night sky show lasts 45 minutes. Of course, it was very educational and interesting. They show the different stars and constellations and planets that are currently in the night sky. Then they move the sky as the earth rotates. So, we can see it from dusk to dawn; that is from sunset to sunrise. I looked at the sky recently through my binoculars. It is OK but a telescope would be better. Will we purchase (buy) a telescope? Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

My New Year Resolution by Eiko

Do you remember my resolution of last year? It was to practice Kendama for over 5 minutes every day. Did I do it? No.
I practiced Kendama for 3 months. Then I hurt my shoulder. So I stopped practicing Kendama for more than 6 months. My shoulder got better and better.

I am a Challenge School volunteer. Challenge School is an after-school children’s club. The lesson on January 18 was Kendama. The teacher of Kendama came to our class on the day. She taught children Kendama. There was a certification at the end of the lesson. I started Kendama practice again last December. I also took test with the children. I passed grade 6. I am reasonably satisfied.

And my resolution of 2020 is walking more than 5000 steps a day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Got a big Prize! buy Kuma

Got a big Prize !・・・・・Kuma
I went to Kawagoe Kita-in temple for new years visit in the New Year. Because Hikawa Shrine in Omiya is too crowded and there are few parking lots.
On January 2, 2020, my smart phone rang suddenly. 
“Are you Kumasan ?” 
“Yes, Kuma speaking.” 
“I’m Mr. A.””Long time no see. I’m fine. Don’t worry anymore.”
This is the phone call I’ve been waiting for three years. I met Mr. A at a golf course 30 years ago. He was for 20 years my old tough business counterpart. But we liked each  other’s golf and were on the golf course together most Saturdays.
Fortunately, the company’s performance was going well. But good fortune doesn’t last forever. Mr. A suffered from depression three years ago, was withdrawn and couldn’t be contacted.
This is the first phone call from him in three years. We decided to meet in early April.
I’m looking forward to it.                                     

Monday, February 3, 2020

Puzzler Answers

Well, here we go! February starts .................................. Now!
Puzzler Answers: CLICK HERE.

以下はスーパースクラブルパズルです。よく見ると、4つの空白のタイルが見つかります。 空白のタイルとは、何も書かれていないタイルのことです。それら空白のタイルは、ある単語の一部です。空白のタイルに、どの文字があてはまるかを考えてください。おわかりですか?答えは、ページを下にスクロールして下さい。GOOD LUCK

Below is a Super Scrabble Puzzle. If you search carefully you will find four blank tiles on it. BLANK means that nothing is written on it. But, they are part of the word. Try to determine what letter the BLANK tiles are. After you have your guess you can scroll down the page to find the answers. As always, GOOD LUCK.

WRANGLE/EXIT             INSIDE             DOE/ON              QUEST

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Puzzler Hints

Tomorrow morning I will watch Super Bowl 54 from America. It should be exciting this year. Puzzler Hints: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

Inside the billiard room and Kyu-Iwasaki-Tei

Saturday, February 1, 2020


It's February. My goodness, that was fast! This weekend Puzzler is the last one for January. Don't get confused. Puzzler: CLICK HERE.

2020 Home Project
今月のHome Projectは、「 UP」 です。

Get up, wake up , pick up, look up, mix up, get up, close up, back up, clean up, break up, blow up, dress up, hard up, call up, fix up, give up, hang up, hard up, zip up, lock up, pull up, rise up, turn up, warm up.......level up your skills and use these in conversations and in your stories this month.
今月は、これらの、up,  up,などの単語を使って会話をしたり、話の中に取り入れて文章を作ってみましょう! Good luck!

Another view at Ueno Park