Friday, January 31, 2020

My January

Month 1 of 2020 has come and gone. I tried to make good use of my time. I must say one thing, I wake up real early these days. So, I can enjoy the mornings more and get to sleep early. A summary of what I did this month follows.
1. Started the New Year, January 1st in Tokyo at the Zojo Shrine next to Tokyo  Tower. 
2. Visited two health spas.
3. Went to a karaoke place.
4. Visited Kyu-Iwasaki-Tei Teien in Ueno.
5. Stayed one night in Atami with family. 
6. Had dinner at Ajikurabe seafood restaurant in Atami. 
7. Watched USA professional football on TV. Eight games live and recorded.
8. Started new English lesson in an Ageo Kouminkan. Met some ex-students there.
9. Curbed drinking but didn't lose any weight.
10. Visited the gym 12 times.
11.  Stayed in contact with my brother by line every day.
12. Got interested in the night sky, especially the moon.
13. Visited the planetarium in Jack Omiya.
14. The students and I studied hard for the Eiken test.
15. Practiced writing Japanse Kanji.
My goal next month is to continue the night sky watching and lose at least one kilo gram of weight.
View in Ueno park

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