Friday, January 17, 2020

Drinking coffee

My 2019 New Year's Resolution was to quit drinking coffee. Why? Because I hoped that my teeth would become whiter. I think that coffee stains my teeth. It makes them yellowish or brownish. I wanted to brighten up my smile. And after one year of no coffee, I believe that the effects have been positive. That means that the results have been good. But not as good as I had hoped. Anyway, After our New Years celebrations in Tokyo December 31st, I had breakfast at the hotel where we had stayed. We had dinner at this place the night before. It was pretty good. That means that it was not bad. They had a very nice spread of food. Of course they had Japanese dishes as well as Western choices for breakfast. There were plenty of salads and fruit and yogurt and the like. I went once around the room checking out all the fare (choices). Then I decided what to get. But first I wanted to try the coffee. The new year had begun. My resolution was complete. So, I got a hot coffee. Would I like it? The answr is NO. I must say that it was awful! No good! Not delicious at all. So, I can continue to drink my tea. The rest of the breakfast was very good, by the way.

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