Tuesday, February 19, 2019

USA Taxes

Do you know what 'taxes' are? Very simply, taxes are the money we pay to our governments. We pay money based on our income. Do you know what 'income' means? Income means how much money you get (earn) for working. I live in Japan. So, I pay taxes to the Japanese government based on (according to) my salary (income). Also, I am an American. So, I have to pay taxes to America IF I make a lot of money in Japan. I do not make a lot of money in Japan. So, I never have to pay taxes to America. BUT, I do have to file taxes. Do you know what 'file' means? File means that I have to report my income to America and explain why I do not have to pay. I do this every year. And I never pay taxes to America. But it is a hassle. Do you know what 'hassle' means? Hassle means that it is a pain in the neck = troublesome = extra work. All Americans file taxes every year. The deadline is April 15th. It is famous in America. Many people put off (delay) filing taxes because ... it is a hassle. Nobody likes to pay taxes. Benjamin Franklin said "in this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes."

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