Friday, February 1, 2019

My January

It is February first, 2019. That means that January 2019 is finished. My January went something like this:
1. I started the January by walking up in a hotel in Tokyo and then taking a taxi to Tokyo Tower to see the sunrise.
2. Then our family drove to Umi-no-Hotaru in Tokyo Bay.
3. Visited friends and relatives in Chigasaki and Kamakura.
4. Went out drinking with one buddy.
5. My lessons stared up in full force from January 9th.
6. Hired a young Japanese gent to make my videos.
7. RAM English administered the Eiken tests to 10 of our students on January 25th.
8. I visited NingyoChou in NihonBashi.
9. Watched six USA football games on TV.
10. Started new project. It is redoing the Homework for kids and creating two new ones.
11. Went out to dinner with the family including my daughter's fiance.
12. Came to the school on two Sundays to work.
13. Went to he gym 12 times.
I am looking forward to a dry, productive February. How about yo? How was your January, 2019?

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